Examination is the most common method that every school’s administration opt to check the aptitude of their students. Exams are most important level of student’s life. It enhances the abilities of students and also helps them to evaluate how much they have learned. It also urges the competition among students and polishes their personality. Due to exams students learned to have patience, methods of leadership, creativity and hard work. Basically, it judges the capability of students and increases their conveying power. But exams should be taken to improve the skills of students and it should help them to enhance their abilities, and without exams learning is impossible.
Most of the students don’t like examination system and the get afraid of it. They try to skip the exams by making certain stories related to their personal life or health, or they adopt the wrong ways to pass in exams like cheating. Cheating is the most common way to pass in exams adopted by most of the students nowadays. That is very unethical and unfair. It not only harms the studies of those who work hard, but also of those who seeks to get pass in exams with studying.
According to cheap dissertation writing services, nowadays students go to the most terrific ways to cheat in schools like slipping cell-phones in the long sleeves shirts or in shoes, writing notes on papers and pasting those on their water bottles, using calculators, conceal the notes under their shoes, or hiding their note-books under the desk so on and so forth.
This paper would discuss about the methods of cheating and how it should be prevented and stopped by the administration of UK schools while examinations. There are certain practical steps that ought to be taken by school’s administration to stop cheating in exams of UK schools.
First and foremost, yet a key step to prevent cheating is that, it should be the duty of an instructor to help students to overcome the fear of exams. They should build a strong relationship with students so that; they never think of disappoint you. Essential steps to overcome the ideas of cheating are that always be fair with your students, never do favoritism in class, and support you student’s new ideas of learning.
Secondly, Teachers should take mini exams like test once in a week to build a friendly environment for students towards exams. They should make very simple yet interesting questions for students so that they like it and never take their mind towards cheating. Try to make class test intrusting to students for instance, take open book test, also allow students to bring information from home about different topics, apart from they allow them to take help from other books and internet. This activity will force them to read before and during exams and it will convince them to gather information about the topic without cheating.
Thirdly, while taking exams in UK schools, it is very important to take all the note-books and other test materials from students. Also make two to three different copies of the test and tell the students that each student will get different copy of test. This will prevent the ideas of copying from their neighbors test. Be sure that you have given the different sets of test copies and versions to each row and each column of the students.
Fourthly, always change the places of the students where they have already seated. Some time it happens that students write some points on their desks for cheating during exams, so when you will change their seats they won’t be able to cheat. Also try to call some other teacher to monitor the class during exams. If you believe that any student is trying to copy the neighbor students and wandering his/her eyes just change the place of the student.
Lastly, UK school’s systems or administration should conduct some online exams as. They should make questionnaires (multiple choice question, true and false and fill in the blanks), and take test from the students on computers. Also add short questions, essays and comprehensive questions and ask students to solve the exams according to their own understating. It would be an interesting step for students to give exams on computers.
So in short, these would be the best practical ways to prevent and bring to a halt, the higher rates of cheating in UK school’s exams by their administration.
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